Monday 28 March 2022

Table of Contents Feedback

 Table Of Contents Feedback- 

This post will consist of analyzing feedback I received from a survey that was sent to a few of my peers. their responses could affect the changes or outcomes that come with my final draft. This survey was created on Google forms, allowing me to get anonymous feedback. Each response will allow me to reflect on something different about the contents page and what should stay and what should go.

In conclusion of my feedback for my contacts page, I believe that most feedback I received was positive. There were concerns about changes within the photos or font. However, I would not change much with my contents page as of right now because I felt that the font fit the genre best out of my options available. I also felt that the photos used for my contents page fit best out of my options and gave a variety of scenery, which is what I wanted my magazine to consist of. I feel that I could change and adjust settings among the photos in the contacts page to make them fit better together. The feedback that I received for my contents page gave me ideas on what to tweak for my final draft and gave me reassurance for the layout of my contents page.

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