Sunday 27 March 2022

Developing My Second Double Page Spread

Sports and Fitness Double Page Spread Rough Draft-

For this post I will be going over how I created my double page spread analysis for my sports and fitness section of my magazine. 

I decided to do my double page spread on sports and fitness because I felt that it is an important role in a women’s health and wellness magazine. I designed my double page spread on Canva. I used to shapes and fonts that fit my magazine style and that were accessible to me on Canva. I had an idea of what I was going to do for my sports and fitness section of my magazine because I was really inspired by the women’s health double page spread on sports gear. I loved the layout and I felt that it would be perfect for my magazine if I tweaked it a little bit.

For my sports section I decided to use images of Kiera Muray playing volleyball that I used in her double page spread. I felt that since the readers had already read about her they would understand more about getting involved in sports. On the side bar I talked about why getting involved in sports can positively impact you and underneath the images I talked about how you could find a sport that would be good for you.

For my fitness section I decided to use images that I took of Marissa Merrill working out at planet fitness in Margate Florida. On the side bar I went over how you can easily access fitness not only through a gym but through your home or wherever you choose. In between the images I also included a small paragraph of who Marissa is and why she is featured in these images.

For each image I had put a blue or pink film over them so that the images would go along with my color scheme and allow my magazine to continue to have an organized look. 

This is still the rough draft for my second double page spread on sports and fitness and I will make changes after receiving feedback from my peers.


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