Monday 31 January 2022

Masthead Analysis

 Women's Health and Fitness Magazine Masthead-

For the masthead of my magazine, I would like to comply with the typical setup of Women's Health and Fitness Magazines.  The masthead of magazines is almost always displayed at the top and have been chosen extremely carefully to help sell the magazine, as well as give some indication about the content and audience. The masthead is one of the first things a reader will look at before opening the magazine or reading it, because of this I would like my masthead to pop in front of my main image.

The overall tone for the cover page of my magazine is going to be cool colors so, my masthead is going to be a vibrant cool color that stands out among my main image. I would like my model to be wearing the same color as the text within my masthead because I feel that it will not only draw more attention to the title and the model but also the clothes she is wearing. since the background of my main image will be solid or faded out, the masthead will it be able to pop that much more with the vibrant cool color.

Woman fitness and health magazines initially strive to give off feelings of happiness, confidence, strength, and the feeling of capability. These words show empowerment and have an overall positive but bold impact. I would like my font to signify women’s health and fitness. The only way that I could foresee symbolizing that would be to have a bold and clean font.

I could not narrow it down to a singular font so, I narrowed it down to my top three fonts. I have not come to the conclusion as to which font I will choose as my masthead for my cover but, I will make the decision once I lay everything out and decide which font looks best in front of my main image. As for the color, I am almost certain that I would like it to be a bright teal or a bright blue so, I will make sure that my model is wearing blue and that the color of my text identically or mostly correlates with my model’s apparel.

Font 1-

Endgravers MT- BOLD

Women’s Health + Fitness


Font 2-

Perpetua Titling mt

Women’s Health + Fitness

Font 3-

Copperplate Bold

Women’s Health + Fitness

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