Sunday 6 March 2022

Mini Photoshoots

 Separate Photoshoots-

The images shown below are photos that I plan to include in my double page spreads within my magazine. I still have more images to capture but, these photos will most likely be featured in my magazine. Being that these images were taken with the model and I individually in separate locations, I will include where the photos were taken and which model is featured.

Kiera Murray-

These images were taken in my backyard by the pool and I selected three of the best images from the photoshoot. These photos were edited an app called 'Prequel' and they use a filter called 'Indie Kid'. I felt that this filter was best for these images because they allowed the background to have more saturation and gave my model a tanner look. 

Kiera Murray-

I plan to include a featured sports/athlete section in my magazine so I went to Kiera's game on Saturday March 5th and took some photos of her playing volleyball at a tournament. The first two images show Kiera Murray serving and the images are unedited. I decided to use a filter on an app called VSCO. I felt that the filter called SSI allowed the image to look best, which is shown in the third and fourth images.

Florida Sunrise-

I plan to include a section or a side bar with ways to help your mood and your mind well being. I plan to include a section about the positive side effects of waking up early and getting a good head start on your day. I went to the sunrise last weekend in Boca Raton Florida and the photos of the ocean that I had taken show how much a breathtaking scenery can be an excellent kick start to your day. I am still unsure if these images will be used but, I would like to add them to this post as a reminder for what I would be able to use them for.

There will be more images that I plan to take for my magazine but, the ones that are shown within my blog post are more likely to be included. Not all photos taken from each photoshoot will be included in the blog post, only the images that show the best potential will be posted.

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