Thursday 3 March 2022

Miami Selfie Museum Photoshoot

 Photoshoot Results

This post is going to display some of the images that were taken at the Miami Selfie Museum. One of these images will used on the cover of my magazine and a select few other images from this shoot will be used elsewhere in my magazine. These images were taken inside specific sections of the museum, which was discussed in my previous blog post. I brought three of my models with me to the museum and they are shown in the images below.


The lighting at this museum was spectacular and it allowed the photos that I took to really stand out due to the professional lighting setup. I had my models take photos in a few different sections so, I would be able to have multiple backgrounds to choose from. This allowed me to have a broad range of photos and also saved me time because I did not have to set up the the backgrounds. 

Marissa Marill-

Kiera Murray-

Jersey Liuzzo-

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