Tuesday 15 March 2022

Developing My Double Page Spread

 Developing My Double Page Spread-

In this blog post I will be going over how my double page spread was developed and what helped inspire the layout that I used on the spread.

I decided to create my magazine on Canva. Canva gave me access to multiple templates of many different types of magazines. I decided to go with my original favorite color scheme which incorporates teal, pink, white, and black. The images that were within my magazine were already edited and discussed in one of my previous blog posts.

My double page spread was about a young athlete and what led up to her success. It also includes advice about mental health and physical health. 

There is still room left for improvement for this spread but, as of right now my final draft will look almost identical from the spread shown, aside from a few possible tweaks.

Below this text are some examples that were used as inspiration when creating this spread.

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