Wednesday 9 February 2022

Photograph Lighting and Background Planning

 Planning  Magazine Photography 

Today I'm going to be researching and planning out how I am going to take my photographs for my magazine. In this blog post I will be focusing on what lighting I will be looking for and how I can make each photograph more professional.

My initial idea was to have simple images with a white backdrop, so my models can stand out and be made the main focus. However, not all of my images will be displayed on a white backdrop. Because of this I need to plan out where I want each image to be taken place and what some recommended locations would be for a fitness photoshoot.

Previously in my other blog post, some of my survey responses had said that they had wanted or recommended images to be taken in the gym or a park. Taking this into consideration, It has allowed me to come up with some ideas on where I want specific images to be taken.

Cover Photo and Advertisment Lighting and Setup-

I would like my cover to have a simple background but, I do not want my background to be bland. Since I was skeptical on how that I could make my vision a reality, I decided to look up some simple DIY backgrounds for photo shoots.

Creating a DIY Photoshoot-

I found a youtuber named Jessica Kobeissi who created her own DIY photoshoot studio using material she had at her house.

There are many YouTube videos on DIY backdrops and tips on how to get professional looking photographs. This one specifically stuck out to me because it had the exact idea I was looking for and it is easy and inexpensive to create. Other videos showed different ways to get backgrounds but a lot of them required a large amount of editing and were expensive.

Materials needed for DIY simple background-

·      Table Cloth 

·      Paint

·      Rope or wire

·      Tape

·      Camera

·      The tablecloth needs to be hung in the corner of a room with open lighting like the image shown above


I would use this background for my cover image and I would also use this concept for all of the fitness products that I would be advertising. This DIY YouTube video showed me how to create a simple background for photos in my magazine. Not all images that I take will use this background but, it will allow me to create and have access to more backgrounds then I had originally thought of. 

I still plan on incorporating images using gym equipment, taking photos at a park, and analyzing which images will look best and fit the style of my magazine. 


Photographs that are taken outside will mostly rely on natural lighting And editing. However, since not all of my photos will be taken outside this research has taught me how I will be able to conduct a professional photo shoot inside.

Ways to Improve Lighting-

1.    Broad Light Source (softbox or umbrella)

2.   Place Light Source Close to your subject

3.   Use front lighting when taking images of models because it helps to hide blemishes and scars that may stick out.

4.   Including a three dimensional look to add life to your pictures and give exam a voluminous look

5.   Keep color temperature in mind while shooting.

6.   Experiment with lighting because you may have to try different things until you get the look you want.


I also did some research on ways to improve lighting or what to focus on when I am taking photographs. The list above consists of ways to improve my lighting and what to mess around with in order to get the perfect image. Conducting this research answered a lot of my questions about how I would set up each photo shoot and how lighting will play a role in each individual image. It has also helped me understand what to expect and how to troubleshoot any problems that I may face.





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