Tuesday 1 February 2022

Magazine Content Survey

Women’s Health and Fitness Magazine Questionnaire-

I was assigned to conduct research on my target audience and other aspects of my magazine. I decided to use Google forms and send the link to people who fit the general target audience description. I asked questions that would allow me to better understand how to design my magazine and what others would prefer to see.

Based on the responses I have received, the top two names are Women's Health + Fitness and Women's Well-Being.

This poll has given me a wider range of ideas as for what will be included in my magazine content. 

According to my poll, the most popular color scheme is purple in white. However, I plan to use teal, white, and light purple in my color scheme.

All of these locations could work for my magazine's photoshoots but, the most popular one seems to be the beach.

According to my survey, Nike easily won the poll as the go to athletic wear.

I decided to include a personal question in my survey to possibly see what are some go to healthy snacks that are popular among my target audience so, I have an idea of what type of healthy recipe to include in my magazine.

I also asked what motivated the people who took my survey. Some responses were not serious but others gave me a general idea on what could keep a positive mood within my magazine.
Almost all responses to this poll were gym clothes. I will still take images of my models in different outfits in order to see which looks best.
Since, this question had a variety of responses I have decided to leave the hairstyle choice up to my model because she will know which style she feels most comfortable in.
With majority vote, I have come to the conclusion that my cover model will be an athlete
This poll has given me a general idea on what to use as my cover article.

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