Wednesday 3 November 2021

Narrative Sound Project

 My group included Bella, Katerina, and I put together what I look at as a masterpiece. Once we heard about this project all started spitballing ideas until we made a precise plan. We decided to base our video off of a home break gone gruesome, following getting caught by the cops. When coming up with the different sounds we were going to use we had many ideas. But, only having access to several words to tell a story requires you to expand your creativity levels. We got creative when it came to creating our own sounds. My favorite part of the project was trying to make precise sounds with my group. All in all, we had a blast putting together this project. I believe we displayed our scenario very well and Katerina did an amazing job putting all of the sounds together.

In our group we divided the creation of the sounds among the group members. I was in charge of the foot steps, which we did in bathroom of the school. Surprisingly this sound had the most takes, it was difficult to have a quiet background so the sounds could vividly pop. Bella was in charge of the sirens. Luckily for us Bella has a special microphone that has loud sirens that perfectly mock a cop car or an emergency vehicle. We did not include every sound that we had planned to better the outcome of our storyline. Since our storyline was 'breaking in' we decided to use our words as "hands behind your back" to better display the presence of the cops arresting someone for doing something extreme.

Katerina put everything together and executed it perfectly. She did an amazing job putting the sounds together and putting the right amount of space between each sound. We added suspenseful music into the sound to show that it was an impactful part of the storyline.

Overall, I believe my group did an amazing job putting all of the sounds together and editing to better display our storyline of 'breaking in'.

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