Thursday 14 October 2021

5 Master Editing Techniques Film Project

 This film project was different then any other project I have ever done in school. I enjoyed making videos and brainstorming ideas with my partners. I feel that for my first film project it came out pretty well.It was cool to connect some elements of my everyday life into my project to display the editing techniques used in the film. Making videos for my project was not a hassle whatsoever it was more enjoyable working with friends to add each others humor into the video.

Contrast was the first editing technique we used. In this video we displayed the difference between the extremes of most students likely activities. As you can see in the first clip it shows how Katerina is a good student, but she also has some great basketball skills. Showing that even though the two activities are very different she is still capable of doing both. 

Next we have parallelism. This shot shows two similar things connecting. As you can see the water pouring into bella’s mouth and how it transitions into the sink water faucet running. This is my personal favorite out of the five techniques because of how it shows the similarity between two separate things.

After that we have symbolism which was the deepest shot in my opinion because you have to connect the meaning between two completely different things in order to display an underlying meaning towards how they connect. Our group showed one of us leaving practice, getting in their car and driving away and then it connects it to a bird flying away to represent freedom.

The next shot was a simultaneous shot which is a very common shot that i tend to see in movies and tv shows. One of my personal favorites of this was mean girls when they had all the girls going behind each others backs talking on the phone. Our example of this shot was of Sarah going back and fourth on the phone talking about school.

Last but not least was leif motiff. This video shows Sarah walking home sad and tired then being excited to see her puppy. It is a short but reassuring phase that shows what she does everyday after school.

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