Monday 4 April 2022

Creative Critical Reflection 2

 CCR #2- How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

For my second Creative Critical Reflection question I decided to answer this question using a magazine article, which was created on Canva. Within this article I described how my product engages with the audience on social media and displayed how my product will be distributed.

Creative Critical Reflection 3

CCR #3- How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

For my third CCR I decided to use a podcast to describe how my production skills have developed throughout this project.

Podcast Link- CCR 3- How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

Podcast Recap-

Throughout the project my production skills have developed greatly. While there is still a lot for me to learn, a lot was learned throughout this project. In the beginning of the project the only experience I had prior with photography was taking Instagram photos with my friends. I learned the importance of lighting and looking into many other factors when taking photos.

I learned this lesson during my first photo shoot. The lighting was not the best and the images did not match my color scheme at all. although my first photo shoot was not the best, it made my other photo shoots much better. It gave me ideas to look into studios that I could go to with good lighting and professional set ups. And it also taught me what I should avoid and look for before I take photos.


Not only did this Project help my photography skills. It also helped my editing and designing skills. I had to try many different apps and websites to edit my images and design my magazine. I used apps that were free of charge but still had fantastic editing templates and examples. these editing apps also taught me how to adjust the brightness, saturation, contrast, transparency and even more. I also learned how important it is to mess around with images before they are put into the magazine because there are always small adjustments with editing that can be made.


This project inspired me to be more creative. I tend to always stick with a modern or very neat look but instead with this project I decided to make it a little more colorful. I was inspired to be more creative because I wanted my magazine to be tasteful to the eye. The website I used to design my magazine showed me many different templates of other magazines. Looking through templates of other magazines gave me ideas for mine and even inspired color schemes. This website also gave me access to different shapes, transitions, and layouts for the pages within my magazine. I changed everything up but having availability to this really allowed me to start my path in a good direction.


This project has also taught me that research plays an important part in producing an organized project . Researching magazine covers, table of contents pages, and double page spreads within my genre allowed me to get a good understanding of what I would like my magazine to look like and the content that will be within it. Researching also allowed me to take notes on what I do not want in my magazine and what not to do.


Overall, my biggest take away throughout this project with my production skills is that I learned to always keep an open mind, be creative, and that you have to fail before you can succeed.

Creative Critical Reflection 4

CCR #4- How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

For my fourth CCR I decided to create an infographic on Canva, displaying software, hardware, and any other technologies that made a decent impact on the development of my magazine.

Infographic Link-

Cited Work-


Creative Critical Reflections 1

 CCR #1-

My first CCR will be in response to the question "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?" In response to this question I decided to use a Prezi to go over the main issues that my magazine will be drawing attention towards. Each topic that was shown in my Prezi are topics that will help Women's Well-Being and will encourage my readers to focus on mental health, physical health, and positive life choices. These topics focus on major issues that women tend to be misleaded or have a lack of attention looked at upon them.

Prezi Link-


Monday 28 March 2022

Women's Well-Being Magazine Final Product

 Final Product of Magazine-

This blog post will be focusing on the final copy of my magazine. It will display what changes have been made since developing and receiving feedback of each page within my magazine. 

Link- Women's Well-Being Magazine

Second Double Page Spread Feedback

 Sports and Fitness Double Page Spread Feedback-

This post is going to be discussing and going over feedback that I received from my Google forms for my sports and fitness double page spread.

This double page spread does not seem to have a lot of things that need to be changed about it. Most feedback that I received for both pages was very positive and supportive of the specific page. One person said that I should brighten the photos and adjust certain features of the photos to make the images pop. I felt that this was a very good response because it will help brighten my magazine and draw more attention towards the images. All in all, this page won’t need many changes before the final draft.

Double Page Spread Feedback

 Double Page Spread Feedback-

This blog post will consist of my analysis and take away points from the feedback that I received from my peers. I received this feedback through a survey that I sent out and created it on Google forms. I will be looking into my feedback which will impact changes I make before finalizing my draft.

For the first page of my double Page spread with Kiera Muray I only received one critique for feedback. The person who answered this response was not a huge fan of the layout of the first page. however, all of the other responses were very fond of the look of this page and even liked the color scheme and simplicity of it. I feel that there could be a few things I could add to this page that would make this page more appealing for more people.

For the second page of my first double page spread there were a lot of critiques. The most commented critique was making the text more easy to read. however, I felt that since the previous page was so simple that there would need to be a decent amount of text on the following page and I had made sure that the font was big enough to make it more simple to read for readers. One comment said love everything no flaws and one said it doesn’t match with the rest of the theme. these two comments are complete opposite opinions. As in regards to the theme I felt that this page match the color scheme but went along with the theme in the direction of women empowerment and giving a personal example of a successful, active, and healthy young women. This article relates to the theme because it also addresses issues about how this specific celebrity or athlete battled common issues among women and teens and how she coped with them. After reading the feedback I feel that there are some tweaks that I can make to make the text easier to read and the color scheme blend more together. 

Creative Critical Reflection 2

 CCR #2-  How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? For my second Creative Critical ...