Monday 31 January 2022

Model Choices

 Women's Health and Fitness Magazine Model Choices-

Choosing a model for my magazine has been a difficult task. I have multiple options but, I am still unsure who will exactly be featured where. I am planning on deciding where each image goes after all photos are taken. The models below are women that I have chosen to be featured in my magazine. I chose these women because I believe that they all radiate confidence, maintain their health, are not shy of the camera, and fit the image for my magazine. Each model listed not only is involved with fitness but also are well aware of the health of their mind, body, and soul. I feel that each model adds something unique to the magazine. 

Model 1- Jersey Liuzzo

Page- n/a

Age- 16

Build- Hourglass/ fit/ tone

Sport- Volleyball

Eye Color- Brown

Ethnicity- Italian/ Brazilian

Model 2- Grace Calanca

Page- n/a


Build- Tone/ Fit

Sport- Heavy Lifting/ Runner

Eye Color- Hazel/Green

Ethnicity- Hispanic

Model 3- Adrianna Raucci

Page- n/a

Age- 17

Build- skinny/fit

Sport- swim

Eye Color- brown

Ethnicity- Italian

Model 4- Kiera Murray

Page- n/a

Age- 17

Build- skinny/fit

Sport- Volleyball

Eye Color- brown

Ethnicity- Hispanic


Model 5- Taylor Golden

Page- n/a

Age- 17

Build- Tone/ tall/ fit

Sport- Softball

Eye Color- Green

Ethnicity- European



Masthead Analysis

 Women's Health and Fitness Magazine Masthead-

For the masthead of my magazine, I would like to comply with the typical setup of Women's Health and Fitness Magazines.  The masthead of magazines is almost always displayed at the top and have been chosen extremely carefully to help sell the magazine, as well as give some indication about the content and audience. The masthead is one of the first things a reader will look at before opening the magazine or reading it, because of this I would like my masthead to pop in front of my main image.

The overall tone for the cover page of my magazine is going to be cool colors so, my masthead is going to be a vibrant cool color that stands out among my main image. I would like my model to be wearing the same color as the text within my masthead because I feel that it will not only draw more attention to the title and the model but also the clothes she is wearing. since the background of my main image will be solid or faded out, the masthead will it be able to pop that much more with the vibrant cool color.

Woman fitness and health magazines initially strive to give off feelings of happiness, confidence, strength, and the feeling of capability. These words show empowerment and have an overall positive but bold impact. I would like my font to signify women’s health and fitness. The only way that I could foresee symbolizing that would be to have a bold and clean font.

I could not narrow it down to a singular font so, I narrowed it down to my top three fonts. I have not come to the conclusion as to which font I will choose as my masthead for my cover but, I will make the decision once I lay everything out and decide which font looks best in front of my main image. As for the color, I am almost certain that I would like it to be a bright teal or a bright blue so, I will make sure that my model is wearing blue and that the color of my text identically or mostly correlates with my model’s apparel.

Font 1-

Endgravers MT- BOLD

Women’s Health + Fitness


Font 2-

Perpetua Titling mt

Women’s Health + Fitness

Font 3-

Copperplate Bold

Women’s Health + Fitness

Magazine Audience Profiles

Women's Health and Fitness Magazine Audience Profiles

 I was instructed to create an audience profile for my women's health and fitness magazine. I decided to create my audience profile using a website called Prezi. This presentation includes a description of what the general target audience would be as well as what the audience likes, dislikes, and what their interests are.

Link to my Prezi-

Thursday 20 January 2022

Preliminary Research Step Two- Cover Analysis

Cover Analysis

This post will be an analysis of different Women's Health and Fitness Magazines. I will be analyzing three magazines in my genre and explaining what makes each cover page stand out, who is featured as the main image, the tone/mood the cover gives off, and what makes the cover "pop".

 Women's Health- 2019


This is a monthly cover for the Woman’s Health magazine in 2019. This cover’s main image shows actress Eva Mendes with a grin from ear to ear as happy as can be. The image focuses the actress and the background fades out to draw most of the attention towards her smile. The black text symbolizes strength, authority, and power. The bold read text stands for health and life. The capitalization and color contrast allows every subheading to pop and stand out individually. In this cover there is a text that says, “The actress reveals what makes her so happy right now”. This text is used to portray that this magazine is not just about fitness but, also about overall health and self-love as well.


Women's Fitness- May/June 2019

This cover page for Women’s Fitness is from May/June of 2019. This cover page’s main focus is Kelsey Wells, who is a fitness influencer and a women empowerment enthusiast. In this image she is fierce and very fit. The cover has a white background with Kelsey in the center and subtle but eye-catching text surrounding her. The blue used to pop in all of the headings is meant to add confidence and reliability towards the image. The cover page for this article has a clean and powerful look because of the simplistic layout and color of subtle popping color. From the cover of this magazine, you can tell that the inside is going to have information and tips about not only fitness but, also self-care and even advice about healthier recipes.

SHAPE- November 2020

This is the cover page for SHAPE magazine in November of 2020. This cover image is a photograph of actress Tracee Ellis Ross. The actress is wearing vibrant colors in front of a nude background. The vibrant blues, greens, yellows, reds, and her bold makeup allows her to pop. In this image she is symbolizing prosperity, growth, confidence, and health. The white text is used to balance the vibrant colors that the actress is wearing and allow there to be a look of simplicity and perfection. By the subheadings on this cover and Tracee's powerful look, you can predict that this magazine will mostly portray being optimistic and feeling strong, healthy, and hopeful. This magazine cover page has a very balanced layout with neutral and bold colors.


Friday 14 January 2022

Preliminary Research Blog Post

 1. Your Genre of Choice- Women's Health and Fitness

2. Genre Conventions- Content

Article Narrative-  

Women's Health and Fitness magazines feature multiple things that could benefit woman. They have sections such as fitness, skincare, beauty, weight loss, style, and even sections that discuss some of the most common diseases in women and how to prevent them.

Models and Celebrities- 

Women's Health and Fitness magazines feature a variety of well known celebrities and models. These featured women are flawless when it comes to appearance. They have, pearly white teeth, toned and slim bodies, clear skin, and flawless hair. Everyone who is featured in the magazine appears flawless which allows the magazine to advertise products and healthy lifestyle techniques to allow women to feel and present themselves as smarter, healthier and happier.

Ads or Promotions- 

Within these magazines a wide variety of products are advertised. These advertisements range from vitamins to fitness clothes to beauty products. Women's Health and Fitness magazines are known to advertise weight loss supplements, all types of beauty products, and sometimes they could include small product samples or coupons.


There are a vast amount of topics covered in these magazines. One of the most popular topics is tips and advice about getting into shape and how to fit feeling good into your bust schedule. Another popular topic is consists of featured section that elaborate on exercise, nutrition, psychology, and how these three factors can affect your life daily. Within this section writers elaborate on how being healthy isn't about just fitting the beauty standards but making sure your body is receiving proper nutrients and that your mind as well as your mental health is healthy. This section also features exercise products and fitness clothing to inspire their readers to make life changes and to build themselves a healthier lifestyle. This magazine genre also focuses how to maintain a healthy relationship with your partner as well as others. Beauty Products are constantly featured in these magazines, keeping you updating on the latest and greatest products coming out from nail polish to skin products to hair treatments. Some sections also include information about popular diseases in women, how to prevent them, and what to do if you are showing symptoms. Women's Health and Fitness magazines inspire and motivate many women into creating a healthy and successful life style.

3. Genre Conventions- Production Techniques

Layouts- Every Women's Health magazine has an attention grabbing cover which typically features a model or celebrity in a flashy outfit. Surrounding these women are a variety of bold and vibrant texts that draw the reader into the magazine

Design- These magazines are designed to look clean but attention grabbing at the same time

Fonts- Simple and Elegant fonts are used to add to the beauty of the women on these covers. The texts within these fonts are sometimes bolded or in another color to draw the readers attention to each and every side text.

Color Scheme- Most color schemes typically are based off of the tone of the image. Then, there will be one to three colors chosen for the text which usually consist of black and one or two other vibrant colors to draw in attention.

4. Institutional Conventions- How is the genre marketed?

Target Audience- This type of magazine targets women 18 years and older who are looking to achieve a smarter, happier, and healthier lifestyle

Distribution- There is a large distribution of topics about women's health and fitness within these articles. Allowing readers to learn about ways to build a healthier and happier lifestyle for their day to day lives.

Marketing Techniques- These magazines are mostly sold in stores along the checkout isle so when you are checking out you have the temptation to grab the magazine and buy it if the cover grabs your attention. They are also sold online and you can even subscribe to a specific company and have the magazines shipped to your house monthly.

5. Shape Magazine Analysis

Shape magazine is a very popular women's health and fitness magazine. This particular cover features Beyonce and has a side caption which says "Beyonce Strong & Sexy How She Got Her Powerful Post Baby Body". This cover uses Beyonce's Post Baby Abs, and Vibrant Colors to draw attention towards the queens B herself. They also use bold and colorful text about hair, sex and weight loss to encourage the reader to want to read about these features within the magazine.

6. Women's Health Magazine Analysis

This is the Australian Women's Health Magazine. The cover model in a fit blonde model who is showing off her tan and fit body who's name is Elsa Pataky. They use orange to stand out among the underlying tones in image. This cover page features topics about weight loss, skincare, ways to boost your mood, butt growth, an advertisement , and an advertisement for cheap clothes. They use a variety of font sizes to make sure every statement stands out in its own way. Women's Health Magazines are one of the most popular magazines about women's health and fitness and are sold around the world.

7. Women's Health and Fitness Magazine Examples-

  • Women's Health Magazine
  • Health
  • Shape
  • Fitness
  • Oxygen
  • Real Simple
  • Prevention
  • Self
  • Body + Soul
  • Natural Health

8. Representation-

Who is normally represented in this genre? How?

This genre represents "perfect lifestyles". It features women who have flawless skin, white teeth, toned and fit bodies, gorgeous hair, and represent today's beauty standard. In the past these magazines have represented wealthy white women but, todays new beauty standards accept women of all ethnicity's and racial backgrounds. These women are usually on the cover of the magazine showing themselves off. Women's health magazines now present a variety of models as well as celebrities, attempting to pull in their target audience who typically aspire to look like the women featured in these magazines.

Creative Critical Reflection 2

 CCR #2-  How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? For my second Creative Critical ...